How to Use Money Internationally

Learn how to spend internationally.

International Credit Card

  1. Get an international fee-free credit card. CapitalOne is offering one currently.
  2. Connect your primary bank account to your credit card account be able to make payments via ACH.
International Debit Card
  1. You will need cash. Get a debit card that can withdraw from international ATMs for free.
  2. A couple of popular options are Wise and Chime. I'm trying both, so I'll update you on how it goes. 
  3. Use ATMs inside only.
  4. At a store, exchange a large bill for one of every denomination of bills and coins. Take some time to study them so you can recognize the value of cash and change at a glance, just like at home.
  5. In some countries, counterfeit money is a concern. Be aware of this for receiving change in bills, but also research the local practice of bill handling. For example, if nobody in the home country uses one's or five's, try not to use them either, because chances are decent nobody will accept them.
Peer-to-Peer Money Transfer Services
  1. Venmo works only in the United States. Other countries have different things. In my opinion, just sign up for all of them, get them linked to your bank account, and install their apps on your phone.
    1. PayPal
    2. Wise
    3. Cash App
  2. Use a random password and set up two-step verification.
Currency Converter App
  1. Install a currency converter app on your phone to compare prices to your local currency.
  2. I use All Currency Converter. It's free, fast, and has minimal non-intrusive ads.
Research Prices
  1. Google it. Price of a taxi cab, espresso, three-course meal, gelato. Chances are they will be a similar percentage (hopefully lower) of your local prices, relatively.
  2. Know when to tip and how much to tip. Then tip at least that amount when necessary.


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