
Learn how to keep your things safe while traveling.


  1. Store valuables, electronics, and medication in your carry-on bag when flying:
    1. Read up on FAA and airline requirements/allowances for medication.
  2. Store a back-up credit card in your checked bag in case your carry-on is stolen.
  3. Tag the checked bag with your info.
  4. If you are wearing a backpack that's light enough, wear it on your front and hug it.
  1. Buy a pouch that hangs around your neck, underneath your shirt, and under the seam of your pants. Keep your ID and money in there. Open and access it only when inside.
  1. Buy or build a tether that hooks to your phone case. Here are some examples.
    1. Phone Lasso
    2. Blackrapid WandeR
    3. Phone Lace
    4. Blue Angel Lanyard
  2. If someone tries to rip your phone out of your hands, you'll have it strapped to your wrist and/or your waist, or across your body.
  3. Don't put your phone in your back pocket.
  1. Print paper copies of every document you have:
    1. Flight details and confirmation
    2. Hotel details and confirmation
    3. Passport
    4. Driver's License
    5. Name, address, phone number, email, emergency contacts
  2. Keep them in the secure wallet mentioned above.


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